Truths About Snider Plaza Development - Park Plaza
It is important to make sure the community has ACCURATE and the MOST CURRENT information about Park Plaza (referred to as Snider Plaza Redevelopment on another iPetition).
On July 12, Park Plaza was approved by the City of UP Planning and Zoning Commission with the following conditions to development:
1. Height of the office building was to be no taller than 114.5' (not 120'). By the way, the building is 7 levels, not 10 levels.
2. Reflectivity of the glass on the building was to be no greater than 20%. The Dallas Museum Tower's reflectivity is 44%! That means that the Museum Tower's reflectivity is 120% GREATER than what Park Plaza has proposed.
3. Proper screening of cars on the upper level of the parking structure so that residents standing at 6' tall in the window of the 2nd level of their homes would be screened from seeing the parked cars.
SINCE THAT APPROVED PLAN, Strode Property has made the following changes to address the neighborhood concerns and comments:
1. The height of the office building has been reduced to 99'.
2. The design of the south side (facing Haynie), the east side (facing SMU) and half of the west side (facing the retail and Plaza) of the office building have been changed to reduce the amount of glass and to introduce a 'stone' masonry. The actual kind of stone has yet to be finalized but it will be some sort of attractive stone. We realize that 'attractive stone' is a personal preference so there may be opinions.
3. We intend to be good neighbors...we are required to provide 595 parking spaces to meet the City's Parking Code. We are providing 710 parking spaces....that's 115 additional parking spaces. 150 of those parking spaces are above-ground for customers of the retailers and restaurants of Park Plaza AND of Snider Plaza. While we haven't determined a parking rate as of this date, it will not be exorbitant (as some have accused us of proposing).
4. Regarding the traffic, it will be increased because the site HAS BEEN VACANT FOR YEARS...any kind of development on the site will increase traffic.
Strode Property Company