Two Officers Per Patrol

(Here is a more relaxed and condensed down version of the bill and even an officer talking about this bill personally! Link: https://tinyurl.com/klhfpn6)
Whereas in 2016, it has been one of the deadliest years for Law Enforcement in a while. In return, Law enforcement is scared for their lives making them less productive and also taking unnecessary measures against civilians which could be considered brutality. In 2016, Law enforcement has been hit with many attacks by the public and sadly, Officer’s lives has been lost, because of this a total of 134 Law enforcement officers include K-9 units have been killed in the line of duty. This is the most in the past 5 years. These deaths have spanned across the country. This bill will Protect officers who are laying down their lives to keep us all safe by adding an additional officer to each single patrol.
Section 1:
The Two per Patrol bill will have every patrol unit to have a minimum of two officers per patrol. Each officer will still have the same responsibilities as if they were alone.
Section 2:
Having two officers per patrol has been studied on to see if it is more effective and productive in work and it is proven to be true. Having two officers doesn't just increase the safety of the officers, but also it provides an extra set of eyes, an extra brain, extra set of hands, which might help the officers who work the long shifts to make better decisions when interacting with civilians.
Section 3:
Any officer who does not comply with the Two per Patrol Law, will be fined $2,000 dollars and also be put on desk duty, where they will only do paperwork for the officers that are on patrol for an entire week with half pay and lose two days of vacation time.
Section 4:
Every police officer will be assigned a partner and district every six months, at the end of the six months the group can decide if they want new partners or go another 6 months together and also they will be getting new districts to patrol. If they don't comply with these rules they would be put on desk duty to do all the paperwork for the station for two weeks with half pay and also two days of vacation.
Section 5:
The country will have a tax on guns and ammo purchased and manufactured in the United States of 10%, which will add up to around 1.35 billion dollars, and also there will be a 5% tax on brand cars that the police station uses, such as ford, Nissan, and also Dodge. All the money made will be properly and evenly distributed to each police station and put into the officer's pay and also new equipment for the station. Police stations are also allowed to have fundraisers or events, where all the money donated will be strictly used for the needs of certain station
Section 6:
The proposed law would be taking effect in 2019 and start in the east coast, Alaska, and Hawaii, then slowly transition into each department throughout the entire country.
Respectfully submitted,
Alex Guzman