Two State Solution of Israel-Palestine Impasse on USA model
Zahi Masri 0

Two State Solution of Israel-Palestine Impasse on USA model

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The President

The White House

Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump:

Our most sincere wishes for you to achieve the success of your America first dream and world peace against all unreasonable obstacles. Successive US administrations supported a just and equitable diplomatic solution of the Palestinian-Israeli problem to no avail. A lot of internal and external spoilers unjustly and aggressively blocked the implementation of the two-state solution unanimously approved by United Nations in 1967.

God bless America and all the nations that value the US founding fathers principles of freedom, justice and equitable human rights for all. No one can deny the great success and achievements of the founding fathers and the American constitution in building a cohesive, peaceful and democratic American republic of 50 states.

Solving the Palestinian-Israeli problem must be uppermost in your mind. Many of the citizens of our great country, people all over the world, and peace seeking Israelis and Palestinians in particular look to American leadership to provide a long lasting solution to end the Palestinian-Israeli problem- a axing problem in great need of a just and equitable resolution.

You are trying to break through the Palestinian-Israeli impasse, which has and so far, stymied the peacemaking efforts of all the US presidents since 1967. And it seems that you are intent on taking the challenge despite all spoilers. Go for it Mr. President! A lot of Americans and the whole world give you their total unwavering support.

Many pessimists claim that the seemingly unending Palestinian-Israeli conflict cannot end peacefully. But we disagree. The successful American model of USA refutes their claim. Here is a proposal for your consideration.

It is clear that defining a peaceful, just and equitable solution to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires an appealing, durable and successful model to follow. This model should satisfy the needs of each conflicting party and should offer to all a peaceful and prosperous present and future for them and their children and grandchildren.

Our founding fathers and the Constitution of the United States have built and sustained a peaceful, cohesive, democratic Republic of fifty states that is admired by all nations which value freedom, social justice and human rights. This American model is for all Americans to enjoy, regardless of color, race, religion, gender or ethnicity. This American model can also peacefully and productively serve the needs of Palestinians and Israelis. It could even be extended to include other states in the region as you recently envisaged.

The proposed consideration is to provide Israelis and Palestinians to live as two peoples in one democratic state that is actually two states in one state. Israel would be a state with its capital in Tel Aviv (such as Maryland with its capital in Annapolis); Palestine would be a state with its capital in Ramallah (such as Virginia with its capital in Richmond) and Jerusalem would be the uniting federal capital (such as Washington, DC). Both states would be governed by a single federal constitution fashioned on the model of the U.S. Constitution.

If the American model can succeed in uniting fifty states with their many ethnic, racial and religious variations it should succeed for the Palestinians and Israelis, as well.

Mr. President, we urge you to adopt the One State solution with two federated states by using the model of the United States of America as the template to follow.

The United States has the diplomatic, economic and military strength to guide the implementation of this One State solution and with your personal determination to solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem in the American way, you will have the full support of all peace loving Americans and, indeed, of the entire world. By establishing peace in the Middle East your noble efforts will bring you everlasting gratitude from a world weary of this conflict and longing to be freed from its taxing demands.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Respectfully yours,

The APPAF Board of Directors

The American Palestine Public Affairs Forum

A 501-C-3 Grassroots Public American Organization

Working for the Peaceful Resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

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