Requirement for a National Service for Crystallography
Simon Coles 0

Requirement for a National Service for Crystallography

219 signers. Add your name now!
Simon Coles 0 Comments
219 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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EPSRC is conducting a review of all its 'Mid Range' Services in the Physical and Engineering Sciences - ( As part of this process, there is a requirement for user communities to register a Statement of Need (SoN) for facilities on which they are reliant. The UK is in need of a Crystallography Service to provide support to those currently without facilities: either through a lack of local facilities or expertise, for emergency cover in times of instrumentation failure, to provide access to a high intensity source at a level not usually available in the home laboratory and to provide efficient, cost effective and timely use of central facilities as the ultimate possibility. With crystallographic studies being so central to many areas of chemistry and related subjects, a Centre of Expertise in training and standards development would also be invaluable. In response to the EPSRC exercise a small group of champions, identified below, who are representatives of major user groups of crystallographic experiments and information, will coordinate and author the Statement of Need. This petition has been put in place so that the wider community with an interest in, or dependence on, these facilities can lend support and contribute to this Statement. If you would like to take this opportunity to demonstrate your support, please provide your name, institution, research area, email address and any other comments you have regarding the functions of a National Service for Crystallography. [The final page of this petition asks for a donation - this is NOT mandatory and you can close the browser window without contributing and your support will still be registered] Prof. Paul Raithby (Bath) Prof. Martin Schroder (Nottingham) Prof. Peter Skabara (Strathclyde) Dr. Helen Hailes (UCL) Prof. Kenneth Harris (Cardiff) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (Dr. Colin Groom) Royal Society of Chemistry Science Policy (Dr. Malcolm Halcrow; Prof Todd Marder) Diamond Light Source Ltd (Prof. Trevor Rayment)


Prof. Paul Raithby (Bath) Prof. Martin Schroder (Nottingham) Prof. Peter Skabara (Strathclyde) Dr. Helen Hailes (UCL) Prof. Kenneth Harris (Cardiff) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (Dr. Colin Groom) Royal Society of Chemistry Science Policy (Dr. Malcolm Halcrow; Prof Todd Marder) Diamond Light Source Ltd (Prof. Trevor Rayment)

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