UMSU Should Provide Financial and Practical Support for the 9th November National Anti-Cuts Demo
The undersigned believe that UMSU should provide financial and practical support for students attending the 9th November national demo, which focuses on campaigning against the HE White Paper as well as youth unemployment, lack of access to education, and other incredibly important measures that directly affect students at our university, and in years to come. Last year, policy was passed to continue to campaign against wider austerity measures, not just local ones. Policy also passed that said it was essential to provide full support to the general resistance against the cuts, and that the union believed that political change was affected by continued national campaigning. We believe that in order to win results on a university by university basis, we also need to have a presence at a national level. As the National Union of Students have supported this demo, our union should follow suit and most importantly enact policy that was passed by over 300 students by recognising national level campaigning within the cuts priority campaign, such as working on a regional and national union level to lobby for changes, and with the following actions: - Executive should be mandated to promote and market the demo to students, in the weekly e-mail, through campaigns meetings and in the poster run - Material to promote the march, such as flyers, a poster run and information leaflets should come out of the cuts campaign budget - The Union, in recognising that cuts is a priority campaign, should commit funding to enabling students to attend this demo. It was recognised that this was important last year, and we believe the union should be enabling as many students as possible to attend, by subsidising travel equivalent to last year, which worked out at £12.50 per student. We want UMSU to subsidise up to 150 students attending the demo, be it via booking coaches, paying this contribution towards National Express/Megabus/train tickets on production of evidence, or enabling students to book minibuses to attend, amongst many transport options. - UMSU should manage the booking process of any coaches, providing a central place for students to sign up and book on coaches. - Should societies raise money to subsidise extra spaces, they should be expected only to raise the subsidy amount and not the full cost before a coach is booked, on the evidence of selling out coaches for all demos last year. Further, societies should not be locked into using specific coach companies and be able to book cheaper coaches.