Anonymouslul is innocent!
Hey, fellow mau5, Anonymouslul here. Yesterday, I was permanently banned. According to the mod that banned me, (I won't tell the mod's name since I don't know which mod banned me. Even if I knew the mod's name, out of respect, their name wouldn't be revealed as that would destroy their reputation.) I apparently use alts to hack. I've never even been accused of hacking before, and even if I knew how to hack, parental controls would stop me from downloading it. Here's where the mod went wrong: 1. The only alt I have is my bot, Anonybot. I was unaware that you need a mod's permission to host a bot, so I put it in a random room generated by a program I wrote in C#. That number happened to be room 801. I freaked out after messages were being copied to CMD Prompt, so I closed it. I log on, and I'm banned. 2. Before the email, my ban was 20 hours. After the email, it became permanent. 3. If I were to hack on an alt, mods would've caught me a long time ago since I suck at creating account names. 4. I highly doubt the mod has any evidence that the hacker's account belongs to me. 5. Since I mentioned C#, which is only a beginner language, the mod's probably going to assume I wrote the bot with that. (It doesn't work with Flash; but you can use it with basic web development like PHP or HTML. So, my bot wasn't scripted in that. It was scripted in Python.) Sign the petition please! If I have to do it Sheindlin style I accept it.