Outlaw the burning of the Union flag
Bobby Start 0

Outlaw the burning of the Union flag

59 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Bobby Start 0 Comments
59 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Did you know that the burning of the Union flag isn't a criminal offence in the UK Isn't it about time it was Recently, demonstrations against particular groups have seen protestors burning the very flag that flies above Parliament and Buckingham Palace. I've no doubt this is in protest against political groups like the BNP who shouldn't have used the flag in the first place (the flag belongs to us, not a political party). The burning of the Union flag is deeply offensive and insulting to institutions we take pride in. Could you imagine the fuss that would be made if a religious book was desecrated Burning the flag could be perceived as treachery but that is not really offensive in this day and age. However, the flag burning is an insult to Britons that hold the Union flag dear. Loyalties will have been formed through History lessons, an affection for the Royal family, our political institutions, our standing and perception in the world, respect and support for our Armed Forces or even through sport. The beauty of the flag is it isn't racially divisive, it doesn't belong to a particular colour of people, it belongs to British folk who love their country (and are driven mad by it sometimes)and the flag does not recognise religious or ethnic divisions. Our troops carry the flag into battle, sports heroes such as Chris Hoy, Amir Khan and Kelly Holmes have wrapped the flag around them when winning medals for Team GB, our embassies across the world fly the flag as a reminder that a democratic country is doing business and building relationships with our overseas partners. Time for flag burning to be outlawed. An addition to the Public Disorder Act 1986 would be sufficient. Hopefully, this petition is the first step we take to reclaiming our flag and fostering respect for the flag, what it truly stands for and the people behind it.

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