Support Universal Healthcare for America
"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane." - Martin Luther King, 1966 I urge you to support Rep. Conyers critical Healthcare Reform Plan, HR 676. This piece of legislation is crucial to return medical decision making back to patients and their providers - not greedy HMOs. Close to 1 million Americans face medical bankruptcy every year - three quarters of whom are insured. The evidence clearly demonstrates that we are all only an accident away from economic ruin. As you may know there are over 47 million people in this country who do not have health insurance coverage, while at the same time there are millions more of insured Americans with poor access to the system. Americans pay nearly twice per capita in healthcare when compared to any other rich country, yet when compared to other industrialized countries we rank near the bottom in every meaningful health statistic. According to United Nations calculations, we rank 32nd in the world in infant mortality and 38th in life expectancy. The WHO even ranked our healthcare system 41st in the world. Americans are literally dieing because of the way our system is set up. America has a problem and this bill is the way to fix it. Ref: Please sign this petition and write your elected officials and tell them to support Universal Healthcare. U.S Citizens only.