This is a formal demand to all those involved in policy making in Hawai'i schools to immediately halt any and all Covid-19 related restrictions being imposed on our children. Scientific research has proven that rituals including masking of healthy children, excessive hand washing and sanitizing, enforcing “social distancing” and engaging in other psychologically abusive routines that promote fear have no benefit in preventing the spread of illness and instead have proven to cause significant harm.
We are determined to protect the innocent children of Hawai'i from harm and abuse and will no longer sit by and allow the school systems to enforce dehumanizing, detrimental regulations upon them for another school year. We demand that you cease and desist in enforcing mandatory mask wearing, mandatory Covid-19 vaccination, mandatory Covid-19 testing, temperature checks, excessive sanitation, social distancing, the use of plexiglass and any other psychological torture in the coming school year.
Our demands are founded in the following verifiable FACTS:
- There is no immediate threat of severe Covid-19 in the majority of children and adolescents. The survival rate for this age group is 99.9% putting children at ZERO percent statistical chance of dying from Covid-19.
- It has been scientifically confirmed that children are not significant vectors for transmission of Covid-19.
- It has been scientifically confirmed that the use of cloth masks and surgical masks by healthy individuals plays no role in reducing the spread of Covid-19 or the mortality rate in any given community environment.
- Although scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. It has been hypothesized that facemasks have a compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use.
- It has been scientifically confirmed that social distancing and limitations on capacity play no role in reducing the rate of infection or mortality. The basis for this regulation has been nothing more than a method to promote technology based learning, which has proven to be a failure for most of the children subjected to this program.
- It has been scientifically proven that sensory deprivation including the absence of touch, removing facial expressions, stifling voices and preventing other kinesic cues has a negative impact on the overall behavioral and emotional health of small children.
- It has been scientifically proven that the deprivation of oxygen caused by extended mask wearing causes permanent brain damage and is especially troubling for children whose brains are still developing. Excessive carbon dioxide intake also poses a serious risk to the health of our children and the rebreathing of bacteria can lead to lung infections, staph infections and other serious health issues.
- The RT-PCR test most commonly used to detect SARS-Cov-2 is extremely unreliable. It has been reported by the New York Times that 90% of the confirmed positive tests are in fact a false positive. This is based on the test’s inability to differentiate live viral particles from other materials that may register a positive reading at a high enough cycle threshold though the material is not infectious. This has been confirmed by Dr. Anthony Fauci himself in an interview on “This Week in Virology” where he said, “…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more… the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule… you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…” The standard CT count for labs across America is typically at least 40 cycles.
- The theory of “asymptomatic spread” is a false doctrine that did not exist prior to the year 2020 and is merely being used as a method of mind control. A meta analysis of over 54 studies has proven that there is statistically ZERO chance of secondary spread from a positive Covid-19 person showing no symptoms.
- Pfizer BioNTech’s clinical data for children are limited and provide no information on rare but serious adverse effects or long-term safety as well as efficacy. The study included 2,260 children and adolescents, 12-15 years of age, 1,131 of whom received the vaccine. This is a very small number of adolescents and does not permit an evaluation of rare but serious side-effects, such as effects that may happen in only 1:5,000 adolescents. Furthermore, with most of the adolescents followed for only 1 or 2 months after their 2nd dose, there is no data to support long-term safety.
- All of the Covid-19 vaccines in America are administered under “Emergency Use Authorization” only. An EUA can only be granted when there is no alternative effective treatment available. Evidence has recently surfaced that proves that some of the nation's leading health experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci has known since as early as 2005 that Chloroquine (a component of the widely available and safe therapeutic known as Hydroxychloroquine) is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread, yet this information has been suppressed. The Covid-19 vaccines should have never been granted EUA use under federal law.
- Until clinical trials for this vaccine are completed in 2023 this medical intervention remains experimental and investigational. Any human subjects that are to be used for medical experiments must be given full informed consent with the right to refuse to participate. This code of conduct was established at the Nuremberg Trials where a number of doctors and scientists stood trial for crimes against humanity for the atrocities committed during World War II. Any policy which denies the right to informed consent and the right to refuse to be experimented on is considered a war crime and all those engaged in enforcing any such unlawful policy can be held personally liable for damages.
- Recent studies indicate the spike protein produced in response to the Covid-19 vaccination, itself, may potentially be harmful. These studies suggest that the spike protein may bind and interact with various cells throughout the body, via their ACE2 receptors, potentially resulting in damage to various tissues and organs. This risk, no matter how theoretical, must be investigated prior to the vaccination of children and adolescents.
With the aforementioned verifiable facts provided above you should have no trouble in making the same deduction that millions of others around the world can clearly see. Covid-19 is not a deadly pandemic. It was born out of an inaccurate testing mechanism that produces fraudulent “cases” that bear no relevance to an actual threat, and instead are simply being used to stoke fear.
We are calling on you to take affirmative action to prevent any further emotional, psychological and physical harm to our children in your school setting. We have had ample time over the last 15 months to determine that there is no justification for continued restrictions. There is no substantive, statistical or tangible proof that a public health emergency exists in the state of Hawai’i and it is time to acknowledge the risk in maintaining this narrative. Remove all Covid-19 related restrictions and mandates or we will do everything in our power to remove our keiki from the public school system.