Marcia Merritt 0

Unsightly Weed Infestation

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Marcia Merritt 0 Comments
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We have been contacting Cardinal Management since 2013 to address the weed infestation in the common area behind or in front of your property.

After sending them numerous emails we were told "This area is not supposed to be a landscaped/maintained area. It is meant to be a natural area; however the Developer is going to apply a weed treatment, but this will not happen on a regular basis."

As a few or more residents of Wentworth Green, impacted by the weed infestation in front of or behind our properties, we should band together and petition the Developer and the Cardinal Management Board of Directors as a challenge as a challenge to the decision that Cardinal Management has stated above. (This is required since Cardinal Management has already stated that the Developer does not intend this area to be maintained in the future).

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