Updated: Keep ALL Granada Sports During 6th Period
This is very important about Granada Hills Charter High School sports! Granada is trying to make sports teams that have coaches from outside the school (not Granada teachers) have to start practice after 6th period (eg. soccer, cheer, baseball, wrestling, etc). There will be no study hall 5th period (unless Granada changes its mind) and an optional 6th period study hall. When students have games they will miss their whole 5th period class (and potentially even 6th period), which will be very detrimental to their learning and especially grades. Teams will not be able to see each other and practice during preseason because it will be against CIF rules to practice after school, and this will have a very negative effect on our teams compared to our competitors who will be practicing during school hours. Not to mention that this will obviously take away A LOT of the time students do homework, sleep, work, and other extracurriculars. We need to take a stand and voice our opinions to the administration and directors as to why this is the wrong decision.