Petition to the Taos Town Council
Petition to the Taos Town Council: We, the undersigned, request that the Town Council NOT approve the Valverde Commons subdivision project requesting annexation and rezoning of agricultural land in the valley adjacent to Valverde Street. This 28 house subdivision, if approved, will open the door for developers to rezone the entire valley. Vision 2020 recognizes the importance of agricultural land as a vital part of the history, character, and beauty of the Town of Taos, and establishes as a goal the protection of such land from high density development. We urge the Town Council to honor these goals by denying this application. Clearly, it is not the intent of Vision 2020 to destroy the last frontier of rural land in our Town nor did it intend to destroy pedestrian traffic in neighborhoods with narrow roads. Valverde Street cannot handle this additional traffic. This project brings up questions about the future of Taos. Do you add high density and the resulting traffic to a narrow road with no pedestrian walkway At what point does maintaining the historic nature and character of Taos override high density development decisions We ask that the Town Council ask themselves these questions in making their decision.