Eddie Sutton 0

Preserve Randall's Island Fields 82-85 for NYC Children

2828 signers. Add your name now!
Eddie Sutton 0 Comments
2828 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

New York City, deeply challenged by a humanitarian crisis not of its own making, has decided to place a shelter for asylum-seekers at Randall’s Island Park – specifically on turf fields 82-83-84-85 – the most accessible and some of the most utilized and popular fields on the Island - representing 32000 sq feet of opportunity for children all in need of a safe and open place to play.

This is a space shared with many stakeholders – including public and private schools, community and after-school programs, as well as youth and adult athletic organizations. Randall’s Island Park offers invaluable opportunities for social interaction and athletic skill development. Playing with other children in parks and sports fields fosters teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Children learn to negotiate, cooperate, and build friendships, developing essential social skills to serve them well throughout life. What we do and what our children learn is about so much more than just the sport itself.

This space is critical for maintaining irreplaceable opportunities for our children to achieve physical well-being in a city woefully short of safe and managed open spaces. Without this space, our children will spend more time indoors, leading to sedentary behaviors, increased screen time, and a higher risk of physical and mental health issues, something we all experienced during the recent pandemic.

There is no question that the City is facing a terrible crisis. That said, we strongly encourage the Mayor not to compound the problem by creating another that will have profound implications for children and families across the city. With respect to all those incredibly less fortunate, please find a new location that will uplift migrant families without denying parks and athletic fields to our children.

Please support us by signing this petition that we will share with local city, state, and federal officials in our effort to preserve Randall's Island fields 82-85 for children and the community

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