Urgent Call for a Complete Allen and Eglinton Traffic Study (no donations necessary)
The Cedarvale and Upper Village Community Group (CUVCG) requests that the city conduct a comprehensive, coordinated traffic study of the Allen and Eglinton area before any further work is done on the design and implementation of eglintonTOday.
Failure to do so now risks jeopardizing an important economic driver for the city and causing irreparable long-term harm to residents and businesses in the area.
eglintonTOday proposes major transformative changes for our neighbourhood, including the reprogramming of Eglinton and the introduction of permanent cycling infrastructure. While the project is well meaning, the city is relying on static 2012 traffic volume data to model its designs, without accounting for population growth, residential intensification, and the pressure that major regional redevelopment will put on the Allen – and, by extension, on our neighbourhood.
The CUVCG has written a well-researched report requesting a holistic, area-focused study of Allen and Eglinton. The document cites multiple municipal reports and planning documents that have asked for the same thing. Click here to access the report
In fact, detailed studies of Allen and Eglinton were supposed to inform both the redesign of the Allen and Eglinton intersection and the proposed Eglinton Complete Street. But they were never done and now the city is reprogramming our dynamic area with decade old data. It is not too late to correct course: undertake a holistic study, gather new data, update forecasting models. We are simply asking for good urban planning.
Those who live and work here understand that the Allen and Eglinton area is complex: it is a highway terminus, a vehicular transit hub, the nexus of two subway lines, and a dense community of residents and independent businesses. The well-being of our area is inextricably tied to the efficient flow of traffic along our arterial roads.
For these reasons, any efforts to design and reprogram Eglinton must be part of neighbourhood-wide study that encompasses population growth projections, current and future traffic volumes, cycling network integration, and arterial and residential street programming. To proceed any other way risks permanent gridlock and residential traffic infiltration.
Councillors Matlow and Colle, and the Upper Village BIA, have all expressed support for a comprehensive study of Allen and Eglinton to inform eglintonTOday and a variety of other critical city initiatives. We believe that if the community rallies behind our call for responsible urban planning, the city will listen.
Please sign the petition, comment, and circulate it widely. There is no need to donate.
Thank you,
Cedarvale and Upper Village Community Group