Utah Election Forensic Audit

Utah Elected Officials,
A Bill was not needed to execute your constitutional duty of overseeing all elections and setting the times, places, and manner of elections. (US constitution Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;)
Utah, like most states uses the Mason’s manual to outline the duties of state legislatures and it says, “A legislative body or a committee, when acting within the scope of its authority to conduct an investigation, may summon and examine witnesses, require the production of and examine books, records and papers.” (Page 292, Sec. 802, Summons, Subpoenas and Warrants, 1).
This section also states, “When a subpoena duces tecum has been issued under statutory authority showing that the purpose of the examination was within the scope of the inquiry authorize, the court cannot cancel the subpoena nor enjoin the issuance of any further subpoena” (Page 292, Sec. 802, Summons, Subpoenas and Warrants, 6).
The Senate has legal authority to conduct their own legislative investigation via subpoenas of all ballots, match signatures, tabulators, routers, passwords, machines, records, etc. All cases where counties, cities, towns challenged the senate’s authority have ended in judges denying their challenges. This proved true in Arizona; with Judge Timothy Thomason’s ruling: “The Court finds that that Subpoenas are legal and enforceable. There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The Subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections. The Arizona legislature clearly has the power to investigate and examine election reform matters. Accordingly, the Senators have the power to subpoena material as part of an inquiry into election reform measures. As such, the Subpoenas have a proper legislative purpose. The Subpoenas also do not violate separation of powers principles. Production of the subpoenaed materials would not violate confidentiality laws.”
With concerns about Salt Lake City and Dominion, Utah County and their software, and Summit County and all the ballot issues, it is crucial the Legislature audits the whole state to ensure this was not a statewide issue that potentially affected ALL RACES.
I am urging the senate to issue subpoenas for all ballots, voting machines, system files, etc used in the November election in Utah for an independent forensic audit.
We need to utilize Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s kinematic scanning technology to audit validation point on the paper ballots, including but not limited to, folds, and whether the ballots were filled out by a machine or human.
Utilizing cyber security experts like Allied Security Group and/or Colonel Phil Waldron to understand the voting systems is crucial.
Bringing in a capable liaison like John Brakey of AuditUSA to facilitate the process would install trust in the process and rally all parties around the audit, as it should not be only a partisan effort.
Take action now. The World is watching.Most importantly though your constituents, Utahns, are watching.
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