VA employees for Medical Freedom
We want the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for Federal Employees to be eradicated immediately! This is a violation of our civil rights, the Nuremburg code, and our religious freedoms in the United States of America. We will no longer be silent as our jobs our threatened. We do not accept that our declination of the "vaccine shot" could put us in an automatic resignation status. This is wrong ethically and morally. We love our patients and serving our nations veterans and have put our lives on the line since Covid-19 began, only to be turned on for non-compliance over an experimental biological agent that is not even FDA approved. We believe we have legal grounds that our federally protected and must include informed consent and right to refuse. Our God given, inalienable rights fall under Title 4 & 7 of the anti-discrimination laws and are also protected under the first amendment of United States constitution. We should not be forced to take this to maintain our livelihood doing a job we love to do. We are healthcare professionals and our completely capable of making our own healthcare decisions and do not want this right taken from us. Unvaccinated does NOT equal infected but this is the narrative that is being spread and this mandate is perpetuating this notion. This needs to end now! We will not comply! Continued coercion will be meet with legal recourse and class action law suits.