Reduce Vancouver Park Board GREEN FEES now!

I am signing this petition as an avid golfer that is concerned about the game of golf and it's treatment by the City of Vancouver Parks Board. I think it is wonderful that the Parks Board has made a contribution to the game of golf by creating three full courses and a number of pitch and putt courses for public play. However, I feel that your Board has made a mistake over the last few years with the constant increase in green fees. Over the last 3 years there has been an annual decline in number of rounds played at the Vancouver municipal courses as well as the other public golf facilities in the Lower Mainland. With each yearly fall off the green fees have increased and a further fallout has occurred. As a member of the Fraserview Mens Club I can let you know that our club has lost 10% of our membership this year. Our surveys indicate that the majority of golfers not returning have cited increased green fees as their reason for withdrawal. The decision to increase green fees by over 10% once again will result in a decrease in number of rounds played at Fraserview this year. The reduction in rounds will spill over to less spending in the restaurant and Proshop. Washington State Parks have found that their initiative to motivate golfers to play at their municipal courses through lower fees and reward programs has been successful. Here is the current fee structure FOR MUNICIPAL COURSES in Washington State: Gold Mtn Cascade Bremerton Green Fees: $24 - $50 punch card program $5-10 savings Gold Mtn Olympic Bremerton Green Fees : $30 - $60 punch card program $5-10 savings Lake Padden Bellingham Green Fees: $33.00 punch card program 10-15% Cedarcrest Marysville Green Fees $25 - $28 punch card program 10-15% Legion Memorial GC Everett Green Fees $26 - $34 discount card program 20% Walter E Hall Everett Green Fees $22 - $26 discount card program 20% Jackson Park Seattle Green Fees $25 - $30 discount card program 20% Bellevue GC Bellevue Green Fees $28 - $35 discount card program 20% There are many other facets of Vancouver Parks and recreation that depend on the profits that Fraserview, McCleery and Langara generate, so I encourage you to revise your fees for the 2009 golf season for the benefit of all Vancouverites that enjoy their outdoor activities.