Virginia Obama Superdelegate Petition
WE THE UNDERSIGNED VOTERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA PETITION THE FOLLOWING \"SUPER\" DELEGATES AS FOLLOWS: Virginia Superdelegates: *Rick Boucher Richard Cranwell +Barbara Easterling Alexis Herman Joe Johnson *Tim Kaine +Terry McAuliffe +Jennifer McClellan Jim Leaman *Jim Moran +Mame Reily *Bobby Scott Jerome Wiley Segovia +Lionel Spruill +Susan Swecker Jim Webb * Have already committed to Barack Obama. + Committed to Hillary Clinton. You need to act; you need to act now; the action you need to take is to commit to vote for Barack Obama for President. Here\'s why. There is no reasonably plausible scenario in which Hillary Clinton can substantially narrow the pledged delegate gap with Barack Obama between now and the end of the Presidential Primary season. The only way in which Hillary Clinton could secure the Democratic nomination is if you were to overturn the will of both Virginia\'s and the nation\'s elected pledged delegates. Continuing such a campaign until our convention in August will: * Create major divisions within our party through August with little time to heal before the General election; * Dishearten newcomers to the party by creating the impression that the important party decisions are controlled by longtime party insiders; * Waste tens of millions of dollars battling each other which should be focused on John McCain; * Distract media attention from focusing upon our true objective - beating John McCain. Virginia spoke. Barack Obama won Virginia by 281,054 votes or 28.19% of the vote. Democrats in other states have also spoken as well. The Democratic Party is and has always been the Party of the People and to fulfill that legacy it should be just that - democratic. For the past eight years, our party has found new and better ways to lose elections that we should have won. This year should be united in our effort to defeat our Republican opponents. Your role as Super Delegates is to lead and show the wisdom and judgment to do what is right for our Party. That\'s what you need to do---now. Please lead us out of the party-rending path down which we are headed. Act now; endorse Barack Obama for President today and let\'s win in November.