Verizon Fios for Brookhaven NY residents
Why is Cablevision allowed to have a monopoly on cable and internet services in Brookhaven? The residents have no choice but to accept cablevision, their subpar services and the outlandish prices they charge. Cablevision refuses to lower their prices for brookhaven residents because they are aware we have no other options, either pay up or go without service. Verizon Fios wants into the area but brookhaven politicians are being supported by cablevision executives, keeping competition out. In areas that Fios is available, Cablevision keeps its prices low to compete, but for brookhaven residents they continue to charge through the roof and flat out refuse to negotiate a lower bill. If Verizon Fios came into brookhaven, the competition would drive cable and internet prices down. Residents are tired of paying close to or over $200 a month for basic or near basic services. Cablevision is running a monopoly over Brookhaven township, it is illegal and needs to end.