Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Please Veto SB1369
To: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: SB 1369 does not just clarify the law on electronic aids to bingo; it contains many other provisions that will cripple charity bingo in California, and which will have unforeseen ramifications on the State. The bill creates linked statewide bingo lottery games for a handful of large statewide nonprofits. These large charities will have a legislated monopoly because community bingo halls across the State would not be allowed to use this technology and regulation exclusivity in SB1369 for their community one location bingo games. All these provisions will greatly impact local charity bingo games that raise needed funds for their communities where state and local governments do not provide similar services. The large remote-caller bingo games also may resemble private lotteries, and adversely impact the state lottery. The operators can sell tickets all week even if the games only occur on one day. A player can just stop by for a few minutes on that one day to check the game results. The proponents have said they estimate several hundred million dollars in sales for the games and