VLSB seminar room access
Dear Valley Life Sciences Facilities Management, The Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB) has several seminar rooms (2063, 3053, 4110, 5053, and 5192) available for lab meetings, discussions and administrative business. We appreciate the existence of these rooms. While the current online registration system is very useful for making sure rooms are not double-booked, physical access to the rooms is often limited due to the current structure of checking in/checking out keys. Oftentimes keys are not returned promptly resulting in the room being locked and unavailable for those who have reserved it. We would like to request that VLSB conference rooms be fitted with key-card access locks instead of physical key locks. Cal IDs of PIs and selected personnel can be given permission to access these rooms, alleviating the need for keeping track of physical keys, and reducing the amount of time spent on tracking down keys and gaining access to locked rooms (both on the user end, and for the facilities management). Thank you very much for considering our request. Sincerely, The Undersigned