Washington High School Unoffical Spirit Week
There was a student planned Spring Spirit Week at Washington High School for next week that was not approved by Mrs. Marcus. This spirit week was supposed to be only a dress up on a certain day, not have a planned pep-rally.
The days were:
Monday: 'Merica Monday
Tuesday: Tiki Tuesday (wear Hawaiian clothes)
Wednesday: Western Wednesday
Thursday: Team Day (wear your favorite teams jersey)
Friday: Frat Friday
Mrs. Marcus as well as some other teachers (NOT ALL) are threatening disciplinary action for students who participate in this unofficial spirit week. Let her take everything away. Students should be able to wear whatever they want when it's school appropriate. Especially when it has the purpose of showing pride in the school they will be graduating from. All Mrs. Marcus cares about is total control. Have your spirit week and let everyone see how absolutely power hungry and ridiculous she is. I have never been so unhappy at a school and couldn't be more thankful to be out of there and a student at Rumsey. She ruins everyone's high school experience there. I see no harm in being proud of your home high school and trying to do something to unite the students that are constantly separated due to the administration. That school is nothing but crooked. I am not even allowed into the school without being questioned because I am a Rumsey student, and I am not the only one it has happened to.
I usually keep to myself about topics like this but I will ALWAYS speak about the things that go on in that school. It's sad to see her worry about how short my dress is and not care about the students smoking weed in the bathrooms. Her priorities are not where they should be in order to lead a productive and positive atmosphere for students. And clearly, a spirit week denial violating no policies is a perfect example of her backwards policies. Let her put all of you in ISS because clearly your "violation" of appropriate school spirit is SO much more important than your education..
"So if I walk into school on Monday with an American flag on my shirt am I going to get in some sort of trouble? If Thursday I wear a Capitals t-shirt am I going to get written up? I don't understand. There is not enough school spirit at Washington and it's really dull. Students are trying to put spirit into the school but get shut down, just doesn't make any sense. We're just trying to do something different."
High school should be memorable for everyone. In no way are we violating any rules, offending anyone or delaying the productivity in our education. We take pride in the school we attend, but not the person running it. I am tired of this nonsense. It did nothing but affect my education when attending and I'm sure I am not the only.
Please sign this to bring awareness to the way this school is run. Change needs to occur and school pride shouldn't be frowned upon.