Save Frank Gurnick's job as Director of Coaching

We the undersigned do not agree with the rumored decision to terminate Frank Gurnick from his position as a coach and as Director of Coaching for the West Des Moines Soccer Club. We feel this is not in the club's best interest. Frank has demonstrated his abilities of professionalism both on and off the field. He has a vast knowledge of soccer and can adapt well to coaching children at all age levels. The West Des Moines Soccer Board who made this decision did so in a private and closed manner. The parents and players who pay for the privilege to play under Frank's direction had no say or input into this decision. This is a disservice to all who contribute their money and time to this club. We are requesting that you re-instate Frank to his rightful position as the Director of Coaching or coaching position and let him continue to work with the players to do what he does best. Please consider these signatures and how your decision to let Frank go, might affect your revenue and club numbers in the future.