WE Are Bristol - Unite to Stop the EDL Marching
UNITE TO STOP THE EDL MARCHING IN BRISTOL Celebrating Diversity – Resisting Racism and Fascism The English Defence League (EDL) has announced it intends to march in Bristol on 14th July. The date is set to coincide with Bristol’s Pride parade. The EDL have staged many provocative marches across the UK during the past 3 years; wherever they attempt to march they bring disruption and violence. The EDL is a violent, racist group riddled with fascists and dedicated to promoting hatred and intolerance in society. They aim to use economic crisis to scapegoat ethnic minorities and have focussed their campaigning on anti-muslim rhetoric. In truth, they are a threat to us all; they are not interested in unity against the cuts, nor in democracy. The EDL aims to create divisions in society; they hate the diversity we here in Bristol are proud of; they are attempting to create a street movement to terrorise ethnic minorities and undermine the unity socialists and Trade unionists have fought for and forged. WE ARE BRISTOL is a broad-based network of local activists who want to organise the biggest and broadest possible campaign to counter the EDL in Bristol: we are asking every Trade Unionist, Community Group, Political groups and individuals in Bristol to join us in building against their divisive ideas and in stopping them marching in Bristol. Please add your name to our growing list of supporters, join us on Facebook and raise this in your trade union branch or community group. http://www.facebook.com/notes/tim-nelson/we-are-bristol-statement-opposing-the-english-defence-league-march-in-bristol/368408449873943