Here's a very simple concept. Animax is not broadcasted on DTH networks in India because it doesn't/can't pay carriage fee to the service providers. This is because of low TRP and so lack of advertisements which earn these channels profit. Over the years, the number of anime viewers has undoubtedly increased in India. Also, cable T.V. connections have been banned. People now have set-top-box connections at their home. All the channels are at least known to the viewer if not available. This has increased awareness about the presence of Anime, in India. Thus, the audience has further increased. If Animax gets to know this fact and invests in India, there is sure to be a massive TRP than ever before. Thus, it will start getting sponsors and advertisements. This will help Animax pay carriage fee to DTH service providers. And this is how I plan to get Animax India back. But I can't make the difference without my very dear supporters. So, please sign this petition and make the difference.