Help Us Stop Romany Cultural Appropriation!

To whom it may concern:
Please sign and give your support for our petition to the New Zealand government against “The Original Gypsy Fair” (a business registered in New Zealand to owner Mr. Jim Banks), and against the future theft and misuse of our cultural identity for financial gains.
Join us as we stand against Romany cultural appropriation, ceasing to halt the continued stereotypes and racism that stand in direct opposition to our human rights.
We, the Romany, are a race with our own culture and identity. We contest that this above-named fair is appropriating our culture, race and identity for financial profit towards which they have no rights or claims.
We request the following:
- “The Original Gypsy Fair” remove the name and description, “Gypsy” from their registered business for it constitutes and perpetuates false stereotyping of the true Gypsy people.
- That the New Zealand Government review trademark and copyright laws to exclude businesses not owned or operated by actual Romany from using the term “Gypsy” for financial gain
- That the New Zealand Government implement inclusion of the Roma and Gypsy people in the New Zealand Human Rights Charter
For our latest media coverage see: "Stop Stealing our Culture" on Stuff.co.nz.
This is a world-wide petition. Please take note that we have ethnic rights under UN Charters. We will pursue all means and avenues necessary to have our voices heard and acknowledged through all forms of media to highlight the responsibilities of the appropriate New Zealand government departments’ ethnic and cultural human rights toward authentic Gypsy peoples.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Bob Lovell