We support the need for Dupuytren disease research

I am affected by Dupuytren disease, as are 10 million Americans and millions more worldwide.
I need better treatment options to avoid Dupuytren-related progressive hand disability.
Current remedies don't always work. Even if they do, they often fail over time. They don't prevent other health effects of Dupuytren. Long-term outcomes have not improved in 70 years.
The Dupuytren community needs a Dupuytren blood test to develop preventive medical treatments.
The nonprofit Dupuytren Research Group in collaboration with Spectragen Informatics is working to develop a Dupuytren activity biomarker blood profile. They are applying for NIH grants to help fund this research.
I support this research and ask that it be funded. I am optimistic this work will be the first step to better futures for people and families affected by this disease.
Dupuytren research donations are through https://Dupuytrens.org/Donate/ )