We the undersigned have lost confidence in Dr. David Ryan (SAU 16/Exeter Superintendent) and members of the School Board

We the undersigned want to report our loss of confidence in SAU 16 Superintendent Dr. David Ryan. We also hold some our elected school board members accountable for their failed representation and will look to replace them.
We want a leader who unifies and seeks to serve all of the families in SAU 16. We’ve lost confidence in your ability to lead this district to the high expectations our children deserve.
1) Our schools were closed this year when schools around New Hampshire and the country were open serving their community. Our children suffered academically and emotionally. Serve ALL families.
2) We support giving choice to parents on face masks for their children. You can serve all parents by making masks optional. Serve ALL families.
3) The selection for Principal at Main Street School has had issues with parents in her former district.
4) The branding and tracking of students at the prom was unacceptable.
5) Social Sentinel is surveillance of our children and families. We want that to stop immediately. New Hampshire Constitution: [Art.] 2-b. [Right of Privacy.] An individual's right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.
6) The use of mental health assessments (DESSA) without parental knowledge or consent. This violates Federal Law ESSA SEC. 4001 (a) Parental Consent.
7) Possible conflict of interest when the CEO of the YMCA who is also an SAU 16 Board Member, voted against students returning to class in person. Those students were sent to the YMCA where they benefitted financially.
We the undersigned want the leaders in this district to focus on:
A) A quality academic education for all children.
B) Our children treated with respect and dignity.
C) Social programs that unify our children instead of divide them.
D) Mask optional.
E) Apologies to children who were coerced into providing their vaccine information at the prom.
F) Board Members to work on behalf of families and children instead of protecting an institution. You were elected by the community to represent all families.
G) Board members that uphold ethical practices and recuse themselves from votes that appear to be a conflict of interest.
H) No more in-school mental health assessments or treatments. Those who need specialized services need to be served by educated and trained Child Psychologists.
I) Transparency. Transparency. Transparency.
J) Leadership that can unify this community instead of tear it apart.
K) Go back to the basics. We want our children to enjoy school but also learn the basics in math, science, Language Arts, and the arts.
L) NO indoctrination of any political bias.
M) Professional development that helps support our teachers by preparing them for the classroom as instructors of quality academic content.
We may not agree on every point, but we are concerned enough to sign this petition so that there is a change in direction. The current direction has caused us to lose confidence in the leadership.