Petition to Appoint The Law Offices of Robert H. Weiss to the Executive Committee on Bisphenol-A
TOXIC CHEMICAL IN BABY BOTTLES MAY BE CAUSING PERMANENT INJURIES TO YOUR CHILD. THIS LAW FIRM IS FIGHTING TO FORCE THE MANUFACTURERS OF TOXIC BOTTLES TO DISCLOSE THEIR USE OF THIS DANGEROUS CHEMICAL BY LABELING THEIR PRODUCTS TO PARENTS CAN MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE WHETHER TO PURCHASE THESE PRODUCTS IN RE: BISPHENOL-A (BPA) LITIGATION U.S. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI, MULTI- DISTRICT LITIGATION-1967 PETITION: The Weiss Firm’s attorneys started the Bisphenol-A Consumer Class Action Litigation back in March of 2007, when its attorneys filed the first civil complaint against the baby bottle manufacturers in the State of California in March of 2007, demanding that the makers of these tainted plastic baby bottles and training cups disclose the fact that these products were made with BPA on a prominent notice included on the outer packaging so consumers can make an informed choice on whether or not to purchase such a product. For well over a year, the Weiss Firm has stood alone against an industry which appears to have no regard for the health or safety of America’s next generation. Mr. Weiss has worked tirelessly to inform the public about the possible dangers associated with exposure to BPA, particularly by infants and children, whom the scientists say are at an increased risk for developing cancers, diabetes, neurological deficits and sexual organ disorders or deformities. He has been interviewed by countless radio, television and print media journalists on the subject of the possible dangers that parents should be made aware of so that they can take measures to reduce or minimize their children’s exposure to this known endocrine disruptor. The large class action law firms which have only recently entered this arena, have yet to prove that they are not out to take advantage of the important social issues embodied by this litigation by seizing an opportunity to reach a quick fix settlement that might favor their own pecuniary interests over the interests of all consumers and concerned parents. Although the Weiss Firm has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to ensuring that the corporations responsible for marketing a tainted product will reach a full and fair resolution of this litigation, the large class action firms have organized to appoint themselves as the sole leaders of this important litigation and refuse to confirm the Weiss Firm as part of the managing committee of law firms appointed to guide this litigation towards a successful conclusion and protect your rights. If you feel that the Weiss Firm should not be excluded from the executive committee of plaintiffs’ law firms or that the Weiss Firm, because of its demonstrated leadership in being the first to recognize that consumers were being taken advantage of by an industry willing to sacrifice our children for the sake of corporate profits, or because the Weiss Firm stood up for you, while these other large firms remained on the sidelines waiting to see what happened, then please sign our Petition to show your support and desire to have Robert H. Weiss, Esq., of The Law Offices of Robert H. Weiss, PLLC and the Rights For America Attorneys, serve as the Lead Counsel in the Bisphenol-A Litigation, in addition to serving on the plaintiffs’ executive committee, to ensure that the makers of toxic plastic baby products are held accountable and that the rights of all consumers are protected, not just a few. Help us to serve you, submit your Petition now. We thank you for your considerable support through the years. Respectfully Submitted: *As this petition is being submitted to the U.S. Court system, we request that this petition not be signed anonymously. Anonymous signatures cannot be submitted to the U.S. Court