Support reproductive justice: Install a ‘wellness machine’ in the EMU

The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) at the University of Oregon believes that every student deserves direct, equal access to sexual health products without undue stress or unnecessary hoops to jump through. We are hoping to make this possible by installing a wellness vending machine that includes: sexual health products such as emergency contraceptive, gender-inclusive condoms, pregnancy tests, as well as other common health products like Tylenol, Benadryl, DayQuil, and menstrual products. The wellness machine would be located in the heart of campus, the Erb Memorial Union (EMU), to give students the most central and extensive hours of access possible. The EMU often opens as early as 7 am and does not close until 2 am, whereas the University Health Center, the main resource center for sexual health products, is restricted to business hours on weekdays, 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays, and closed on Sundays. As we partner with the University Health Center, we are working to maximize effectiveness and efficiency and bring forth innovative initiatives to give students the greatest access to sexual health and wellness products as possible.
Please, sign the petition if you support reproductive justice and want to see the wellness machine put into place!