We Love Billy and Mac (BAC)
We, the fans of Billy Abbott and Mackenzie Browning on CBS Young and the Restless, are asking all of those who believe in true love and romance to join us in impressing upon Maria Arena Bell and her writing staff that this couple has the potential to be Y and R next enduring couple. Billy and Mac have been in love since they were kids. Their romance began in high school and, through all the ups and downs, grew into an undeniable love that eventually led to marriage. And had it not been for them being torn apart on their wedding day by the belief that they were family by blood, we believe their love story would have continued to unfold. For six years we have patiently waited for this couple to have another chance at love. We are starting this petition to demonstrate that the desire to see that romance unfurl has not faded. Despite all the meaningless sex and bed hopping going on in daytime, we want it to be known that there are still some who enjoy a good old fashioned romance based on mutual respect and love. Billy and Mac are that romance and we want to be witness to a happy ending for a couple that has been through so much. So to all of you who are BAC fans, old and new, or just lovers of romance in general please join us in stressing to TPTB at Y and R and CBS that the belief in true love and romance is not dead and that we are passionate about allowing Billy and Mac to have their story. Thanks and BAC forever.