A petition for more washing machines in Europa Accomodation
We have set up this petition to try to campaign for more washing machines in the apparent luxury accomodation that is Europa. Since arriving at Europa there has been many queries on false advertisement, but the main query is about the washing machines. There is currently 8 washing machines for 600 people, which is 2 above the legally required amount. Which considering this is meant to be luxury accomodation is a bit absurd. This leaves people chucking other peoples clothes on the floor when there is no free machines, and also people having to stay up until everyone else is asleep so they can use the washing machine. The price of these washing machines is also extremely high considering that they constantly seem to break down. After speaking to management on various occasions they still seem to think that there is no problems with the washing machine which is why we started a petition. We would all really appreciate your signatures on this, and hopefully we will get what we pay for!!!