Make the #weR1❤️ Commitment

#weR1❤️ is a following of business leaders and individuals committed to increasing awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic. One way we are creating recognition is by adhering to a set of commitments meant to inspire and change the way we look at and view our everyday lives and business practices.
Fear and uncertainty, especially during the COVID-19 epidemic, may negatively influence your feelings and behavior, particularly for our leaders and their employees throughout the world.
By reaffirming positive behavior and the steps we can take to quell fear and anxiety, we may be better at self-governing our reactions and behavior and thus the social impact of the epidemic.
For each commitment made, #weR1❤️ will donate $5 to the following foundations: CDC Foundation and the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO.
There are two types of #weR1❤️ commitments you can make towards a donation: as a leader representing a business -OR- as an individual. Both are equally important, and everyone can choose to adhere to the commitment which they feel most aligns with their particular situation:
- I represent a business, product or service
- I am committed to fair direct and ethical business practice – free of fear, bias, and misinformation
- I am committed to the fair, consistent, and ethical pricing of my products and services
- I am committed to treating my customers, employees, and vendors with empathy and understanding
- I am committed to contributing my time or money to philanthropic foundations or services
- I am representing myself as an individual
- I am committed to creating, sharing and the promotion of accurate, constructive— and when possible—positive information within my networks
- I am committed to being inclusive, altruistic, and empathetic with my actions towards others
- I am committed to showing patience and understanding with individuals and organizations I interact with
We ask you to join the #weR1❤️ commitment as a leader or an individual.
#weR1❤️ is dedicated to defeating the COVID-19 threat together as a community through solidarity and support.
Simply sign this petition - NO DONATION IS REQUIRED - For each signature we will donate $5 to the foundations listed above. Please visit us on Facebook and feel free to share your story of the COVID-19 epidemic. Also, please spread the word and feel free to share this link with your friends and colleagues.