West Oxford Community Path Campaign
Introduction The Botley to Eynsham road, B4044, is one of the busiest B roads in the county with up to 10,000 vehicles a day. Described by Oxfordshire County Council as part of a “primary inter-urban corridor”, the route is a vital transport link for commuters, schools, businesses and important facilities. It is heavily used by private cars, buses and commercial vehicles. The problem But the road is winding, unlit and throughout its length is too narrow to allow a vehicle to overtake a bicycle against oncoming traffic. It is common for queues to build up behind a relatively slow-moving cyclist leading to frustration and delays for vehicle drivers, the increased risk of an accident by overtaking and a high level of anxiety for cyclists. Pedestrians face similar problems and risks. Apart from occasional pavements within Farmoor, there are no pavements at all and pedestrians are forced to walk on the road, or over the rough, uneven verge. In the dark, this is extremely difficult with a high risk of twisted ankles and other injuries. Fast moving vehicles, passing very close to cyclists, make the road too unwelcoming and hazardous for most people to consider using it, even for short journeys. Most people are simply too scared to take the risk; neither are they prepared to let their children use the road. The need for a path: The current situation is unsatisfactory for everyone. A community path linking Eynsham – Farmoor – Botley would reduce the dangers associated with travel increase cycling and walking for local journeys, recreation and health reduce carbon emissions from transport reduce congestion This year’s Oxford’s “Commuter Challenge”, from Eynsham to Oxford highlighted the potential benefits of improving cycling access. Cyclists won hands down, with all cyclists beating the quickest car. WE SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN FOR A COMMUNITY PATH BETWEEN EYNSHAM AND BOTLEY and believe it should be a priority transport investment for Oxfordshire County Council off road and separated from the main carriageway wide enough to be multi-purpose, serving the needs of both cyclists and pedestrians We, the undersigned, call upon Oxfordshire County Council to give priority to the construction of a dedicated footpath / cycle track linking Eynsham, Farmoor and Dean Court.