Whalley Promenade - Place for Surrey to Connect

Developer Charan Sethi is willing to give the arts and culture groups of Surrey a place to play at his new development. We would like to create a promenade in the middle of his new development going up at the Flamingo Hotel site in Whalley. This promenade will be a pedestrian walkway that will offer space for community connection. It will have a place for musicians and buskers, a place for craft vendors and mutlicultural food opportunities. Think Santa Monica Pier meets Soho and you will have the picture.
This petition is for the City of Surrey to let them know that the community wants this. We are looking for a place to hang out and have coffee on a Sunday morning, or a place to meet our neighbours. We want Surrey to have a place we can bring our tourists or a place for community non-profits can have wine and cheese gatherings under the stars.
I also have a hard copy petition which is circulating. We have 120 signatures on that one so we are getting closer. You can help by sharing this post. You can help by writing a letter of support. You can help by letting the City hear your voice.
If you would like to talk about how you would like this space to look or a vendor or busker opportunity, please email me at shara.whalleypromenade@gmail.com