Wheels of Justice
To any Business Establishment which cares to hear the opinion of its consumers: The purpose of this document is make all businesses and specifically Fruit of the Loom Inc. aware of the changing attitude of its consumers. In the past, the will of the consumer has dictated the lowest product cost possible. The desire of the consumer stretched no further than the price tag and the quality of the product. Consumers did not demand fair conditions for those creating the products. Consumers acted selfishly, making their only concern how little they could spend and still receive the goods and services they desired. They expended no thought as to the well-being of any of the people involved in the process which delivered their good to them. Corporations responded to the demands of their consumers by cutting overhead at every juncture. They forced their cost of manufacturing down in every way possible in order to pass on the savings to consumers, thereby delivering the inexpensive products for which consumers called. Often, this meant sending production overseas, where labor prices are less expensive. Somewhere along the line, people started to suffer as a result of the greed of the consumer. Workers were forced to work long hours, or under unsafe conditions, or for insufficient salaries to meet their expenses. They were denied basic human rights. They were not given the privileges of most laborers: healthcare, basic sanitation services, the right to associate. The culpability for such atrocities lies not only with the consumers for their shortsighted desire for low cost goods, but also with the corporations who compromised their morals to cater to the will of the consumers. The following petitioners wish to express to Fruit of the Loom and the larger community of corporations two things: 1) Their deepest apologies for driving corporations to such unthinkable violations of human rights. It was our selfish desire which caused you to act the way you did, and for that we are deeply sorry. We have acted wrongly and are asking for forgiveness. 2) We are repentant of our selfish desires and are willing now to pay more money for products produced under just conditions. Fruit of the Loom has been accused of anti-union actions. We do not wish to pass judgement of these accusations , but rather to affirm our desire to see Fruit of the Loom operate above reproach. We do not intend our signature to act as condemnation, but as encouragement. We want to encourage you to pay ALL of your workers living wages for their area. We want you to allow collective bargaining, and to provide health benefits to all of your factory employees across the world. We want you to treat them as fairly as you would your executives. We do understand the extra-cost this would incur upon your manufacturing process, and we want you to pass that cost on to us. We are willing to pay it. Our signature below certifies that we are willing to pay extra money for products that are guaranteed to have been produced under just conditions.