Bring Wendi Bentley Back to Her Meetings
We, the undersigned, kindly request that Weight Watchers reinstate Wendi Bentley as the meeting leader at the following Weight Watchers' locations and times:
1. White Flint Plaza Kensington/Rockville: Saturdays at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 11:30am; Mondays at 6:30pm;
2. Muddy Branch Center (Gaithersburg): Sundays at 9:30am and Thursdays at 6:30pm; and
3. Montgomery Village WW Center (Gaithersburg): Tuesdays at 6:30pm
As Weight Watchers' members we look to our meeting leaders for support, guidance, and wisdom. For years, Wendi Bentley has provided that to all of us. She has celebrated our successes and held our hands during difficult times. She has made herself available both IN the meeting room AND outside of the meeting room. She is and has been a loyal companion on our weight loss journey. She is our cheerleader, our mentor, and our friend. She is someone who knows each of us personally – our unique stories, our personalities, and our struggles. She is the friendly, understanding face we long to see each Saturday, especially when the scale lets us down – or when we let ourselves down.
Weight Watchers has helped millions of people lose weight – us included! Weight Watcher’s motto “because it works” is true because of leaders like Wendi – leaders who believe in the power of Weight Watchers to transform lives and leaders who believe in our individual ability to reach our goals. Not every leader is created equal – just like every Weight Watchers PointsPlus “Point” is not created equal (a two point egg isn’t the same as a two point fried wonton – substitutable mathematically, but not nutritionally).
We understand that Weight Watchers is a business; a publically traded company with shareholders. We realize that Weight Watchers must make decisions in the best interest of Weight Watchers International and its corporate goals. But it is because of members like us – and leaders like Wendi – that Weight Watchers continues to succeed. And it is because of Weight Watchers – and leaders like Wendi – that we continue to succeed. We need Weight Watchers and we would like to think that Weight Watchers cares enough about each of us to provide us with the leader that helps us most succeed - and Wendi is that leader.