WHO(World Health Organisation) creating a World Maternal Health Day, to add to its list of official world health days.
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Premature Babies In Need charity, a charity dedicated to advocating for the needs and rights of Premature Babies, as well as increased access and funding to Maternal Healthcare (particularly in low income and developing nations), feel the need for WHO (World Health Organisation) to create a dedicated World Maternal Health Day, to add to its list of official WHO world health days.
As UNICEF states : ''Healthy children Need Healthy Mothers.
A woman dies from complications in childbirth every minute – about 529,000 each year -the vast majority of them in developing countries.''
529000 women a year die due to childbirth complications, that is too many Mothers robbed from families and households, and children robbed of Mothers.
Premature Babies In Need, as a charity who advocates for better Maternal Healthcare, particularly in low income and developing nations, strongly feel the world needs a dedicated World Maternal Health Day, a day designed to raise maximum awareness on Maternal Health and Maternal healthcare. Maternal Healthcare, or the lack of it, ultimately impacts on mortality rates of pregnant and new Mothers, infant health and mortality, as well as the well-being of families and society at large.
Maternal mortality (the death of Mothers) affect all nations all over the world, and we need a dedicated day to raise awareness of the statistics, impacts, and affects on society, so that more and better solutions to tackle this problem are brought to the fore.
Premature Babies In Need charity wrote to the WHO (World Health Organisation) to request they consider adding a World Maternal Health Day to their list of official World health days. As a charity, we know and respect the WHO as being the fantastic, hard working and dynamic organisation that they are, and know that they must receive thousands of letters a week, millions a month, and hence we feel that many voices is better than one letter.
If you care about Maternal Health and its impacts, add your voice to ours, join us on this peaceful petition to the WHO, so our many voices can be heard.
We want to try and collect 529,000 PLUS signatures, 1 plus signature for every women who died per year.
Premature Babies In Need charity.
Charity Website:http://pbin.org.uk/
Twitter: @PremBabysInNeed or https://twitter.com/PremBabysInNeed
Facebook:Premature Babies In Need Charity or https://www.facebook.com/PrematureBabiesInNeedCharityUK
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