The undersigned petition Community Board 7 for the full board to rescind the February 9th vote approving the curb extension proposal at the Windsor Place - Terrace Place - PPSW location and await the results of the DOT (Dept. of Traffic) traffic light study for this intersection.
On Tuesday February 9th, Community Board 7 voted in favor of the DOT ( Dept of Traffic) proposal to move forward and add a cement curb extension to the corner of Windsor Place and Terrace Place. The vote was initiated by a select few committee members, prior to the completion of a Traffic Signal Study by DOT scheduled for completion in July.
The February 9th vote ignored the wishes of the many Windsor Terrace residents in attendance at previous transportation committee meetings held at Holy Name Church and CB 7 Fourth Ave headquarters. The understanding was that a signal study be completed before any changes are made to the corner sidewalk extending out, in cement, in a 18ft wide and 26 ft long space.
A traffic light at this intersection could potentially negate and/or allow for a modified version of the proposed sidewalk abutment. Waiting until July when the study is complete will not be a threat to safety as the present delineated area will still be in place.