During the last four to five years our economy has plummeted. The working class is feeling the pinch financially, emotionally, and physically. Those with Degrees and those without. Several companies have laid off employees, gas prices have tripled, and home prices have doubled. Even with a job and or career living today has become more tasking than ever. Things that were once affordable are now things we struggle to obtain. In Florida minimum wage was raised, that was a start, but we need more! I am looking to write the Congressmen of each state as well as getting the Presidents attention. We have been \"surviving\" more than we are \"living\" Is this what being an American about Single parents are now in binds where typical everyday needs like dinner, clothing, heat, and water are now major decisions that have to be made. Working families are living paycheck to paycheck to ensure their families are taken care of. This is just basic needs, not the wants that we all have, but can no longer afford. Since 2001 gas prices have increased, homes have become unattainable to where some states offer 40 year mortgages just so a family can obtain \"The American Dream\". Is this what we have to look forward to With all the price increases that have occurred, companies have not modified their salaries. We are still getting paid as if it is 2001, sometimes even less. Our Military, Our Firemen, Our Policeman, Our Teachers...all endure the worse hardships, most important people in our lives and communities, yet the most underpaid! This isn\'t directed towards any company, yet towards our government that sees the Economy as \"Good\" or anywhere near \"Good\". Come off the golf course and look around! Even if you don\'t give your name, please give some feedback. It\'s easy to sit back and complain, but who is actually trying to do something