Citizen’s Concerns Regarding W Prospect Ave Speeding & Enforcement
Fellow Ingram Resident: We are respectfully requesting your support regarding the institution of permanent traffic control measures on W Prospect Ave. Many residents are exhausted with having to unnecessarily safeguard themselves and their families from the numerous wreckless and careless speeders on W Prospect Ave, some of which have been clocked at speeds exceeding 50 MPH! Throughout the last year a handful of concerned neighbors have come together in a combined effort to bring the traffic control matter to the attention of our local elected officials, school board, state representatives, and PennDOT officials. Shockingly, only a couple representatives followed up despite the numerous attempts. To date, our efforts have unfortunately only lead to finger pointing, and not a single corrective measure is on the table for consideration. Most recently, the matter came to a head when our elected Magistrate, Dennis R. Joyce, choose to take the stance that excessive speeding throughout our community is an acceptable practice. In response we composed the attached letter in an attempt to once again respectfully enlighten our elected officials because their continued lack of support and enforcement will ultimately lead to an unfortunate and entirely avoidable accident. With our children’s safety in question we are only asking for your signature below to indicate support for corrective traffic control measures, some of which may include additional stop signs, speed bumps, asphalt rumble strips, crosswalk signage, improved street lighting, and increased Police patrolling. Additionally, we are seeking new ideas from concerned residents as to how traffic controls could be improved [see comments section below]. We hope that all Ingram citizens residing on W Prospect Avenue appreciate that they possess a stake in the matter and choose to practice responsible citizenship, which begins with completing and returning a either a hard copy or online petition in support of the matter. Hard copy petitions can be dropped off at our families address below. Online petitions can be completed using the website at the bottom of this document. We ask that all completed petitions be returned by January 31, 2012. Thank you in advance for your support and we wish your families all the best in the New Year! Randy & Jamie Gilbert - 222 W Prospect Ave