Xbox ONE Needs Changes
Before you read, please bare in mind that this petition has been updated since Microsoft's latest Xbox One announcement. If you wish to see if, please scroll down to "6/19/2013 Update". Some of the information here is out of date. Thank you.
Well, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this, but I'm starting this petition to let Microsoft know that the gaming community wants them to make some major changes wityh the Xbox ONE. Seeing as they have now confirmed many things that gamers, their prime target (or at least we're supposed to be) for this console disagree with the decisions made for it. I will address the points as I think of them, hopefully you agree with me and would like to have them change these aspects of their console to make it more gamer-friendly.
Firstly, registering games directly to your Xbox Live account. This would be fine if the feature that comes with it would have been the only reason that it is needed. And that is to be able to play your game on any Xbox ONE that you sign into. That's great, but the flip side of that is that we can't lend, rent, or purchase used games. The reason being, we'd have to pay in order to register that game with our console if it was already used by someone else.
Secondly, mandatory installation of games. It doesn't bug me as much as the previous issue, but it does mean that the hard drive of the system will fill up very quickly, meaning that there will be problems with installing and uninstalling games to and from your drive. 500GB won't be enough to support something like this.
Third, the always online connection that is needed for the most basic features of the console. You have to be online in order to register a new game to your console to play it, so if your connection is weak or drops a lot, you may not be able to play a game on it. If you are in an area where there isn't a broadband connection, then you can't play any games on it at all, making your purchase a waste of money. This also limits the ability to bring and play games with friends who don't have any internet, or again weak internet, as you can't login into your account and play your games from the cloud with that sort of system controlling everything.
Fourth, Kinect required for each Xbox ONE. Yes, it's nice that it comes with it, but it seems that it is needed in order to operate the console. And since the Kinect needs to always have an online connection for voice recognition and things like that (which I do understand, Google does something similar with Android), it severely limits the number of people that can play the games on the console.
Fifth, XBLA and XBLIG games do not transfer over. This means that game purchases you've already made for games on your 360 will not move to the next console like your gamertag and gamerscore will. Another problem with this, once Xbox 360 is no longer supported and removed from the online network, any XBLIG games your have on your console will no longer be playable on it, as those need you to be connected to Xbox Live in order to play them.
These things are bad for gamers and the gaming industry as a whole. They restrict everyone who enjoys gaming heavily, and make it near impossible for a lot of people to actually play anything on their console. Sure, it doesn't need to be online to play a game, but you have to be online to be able to register your game to your account, which would be linked to you console, so that you can even get the game to start. As a person who loves gaming as much as I do, I want to be able to have options to play my games, I want to be able to get the exclusives that I'm just itching to get my hands on, and I want others to be able to play games freely without a brick ton of hoops to jump through. This will only hurt gaming in the long run and needs to be stopped before the console launches. It will hurt developers, publishers, and gamers. So if you want this course of action stopped, help me by signing this petition and saying your peace. However, don't do it with anger, but with intelligence and thought.
6/7/2013 Update
I'm updating this petition to reflect things that Microsoft has confirmed themselves, with the link to their information, as well as a youtube video by TotalBiscuit talking about it.
1. Xbox ONE consoles must check in with servers once a day in order for games to be played. If you log in on another console, then it will check every hour. Without these verification checks, games cannot be played on the console at all.
2. Xbox ONE does allow for used games to be played without a fee from MS. But the buying and selling of used games is restricted to authorized retailers only. Publishers may also not allow for used games to be bought and sold. And publishers are allowed to decide if they wish to charge a used games fee which they would outline with retailers.
3. Games can be traded or gifted to friends who have been on your Xbox Live friendslist once and only after they have been on your list for 30 days. The friend that is gifted cannot trade or gift the game to anyone else.
4. Game trades and rentals will not be available at launch. This may have to be supplemented by rental specific versions of games being made later on, which might increase dev costs.
5. A broadband connection is required for Xbox ONE to do it's daily checks, without one, no games can be played, therefore, this console cannot travel with you anywhere that does not have a stable broadband connection.
6. So far, the new Kinect still must be connected to Xbox ONE in order for it to operate, and there isn't a way to replace it if it is broken.
1. Games whether purchased on disc or digital will have an infinite number of digital back ups available after purchase. (with the same licensing code, gifted or traded games may not allow you to download the game again to your own console without a new license)
2. Up to 10 family members can access any game in your shared games list from any Xbox ONE console.
3. Controller and other inputs can be used to control the Xbox ONE in its menus other than the Kinect.
4. Kinect can be put to sleep in order to avoid accidental use of commands during conversation.
5. Users have control of privacy information and what is shared by the Xbox ONE.
6. Used games will still be supported, though very limited.
6/19/2013 Update
Gamers have scored a victory with Microsoft, and as such, I will name the changes that will be made to the Xbox One that I am fond of.
1. No need to always be online or connect every 24 hrs to play your games. This may also mean that there is no need to for play from your account on a friend's console doesn't require an hourly check.
2. No more used game restrictions. Buying, selling, and trading with friends will now be possible again. Renting games also seems to be back on the horizon for gamers as well.
3. There also will not be any region lock on Xbox One, so people will be able to import games that may not make it to their area game market, as well as playing your games in other countries.
Now, with the good, there is still some bad. And I will list those things below now.
1. Kinect is still needed to run the console, which doesn't seem to be something that MS is willing to change.
2. Indie Developers still aren't able to self-publish their titles on the Xbox One. This will increase their costs and more than likely, hinder the release of their games.
3. Installed games will require the disc in order to be able to play them.
4. The ten-person family plan is being removed as well as the ability to play your games on a different console with your account logged in on it.
The thing is that the DRM and other problems that have been rectified must be removed with a patch which has to be downloaded. Now, this is a bit of a bonehead move in my eyes. One, because someone without internet or doesn't have any good internet can't just download the patch to their console. This would be better to be done before the console's are sent out, but we don't know how many actually have already shipped to retail stores. Two, we're loosing out on features that made the console sound like a good ideas in exchange for gaining back the things that we like about console gaming as it is. And Three, as easy as these software features are to remove, they can just as easily be implemented again. Therefore, I am still leaving this petition active. If anyone is still cautious like I am, then I think you should sign this petition an explain your reasoning. I'll also make sure that the top of this petitions is updated so that others know to check the lower section of this as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time, and have a nice day.
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