Yellow and Blue Proclamation
Whereas colors yellow and blue is a global effort dedicated to promoting Schizencephaly awareness in countries around the world, and
Whereas Schizencephaly is one of the least common neurological conditions, estimated to affect 1 in 100 000 people worldwide and whereas one in ten persons will have at least one seizure during his or her lifetime, and
Whereas the public is often unable to recognize Schizencephaly or issues caused by common seizure types, or how to respond with appropriate first aid, and
Whereas YELLOW AND BLUE DAY will be celebrated on May 19th annually to increase understanding, reduce stigma and improve the quality of life for people with Schizencephaly throughout the country and globally.
Now, therefore, I do hereby proclaim May 19th, SCHIZENCEPHALY AWARENESS DAY, in an effort to raise awareness of this rare disorder in the United States of America or other country.