Liberty Tax Service is a tax preparation business with a location in Avon, Indiana. Liberty opened its location in Avon in 2006. When it first opened and through the 2011 tax season, Liberty used mascots, individuals dressed as Uncle Sam or the Statue of Liberty, as wavers to promote its business and remind the public of their responsibility to pay income taxes. During 2011, the Town of Avon took the position that mascots were actually “living signs” (an ordinance section actually geared to the use of digital signage) and prohibited by local zoning regulation. Liberty filed for a variance in 2012, and it was denied. Liberty derives over half its annual revenue during the few months of the tax season. Its use of mascots is an important part of its marketing, while also providing a public service. Avon is now considering a zoning amendment which would permit mascots. We respectfully request that you join our fight for Liberty and sign this petition in support of Liberty’s use of mascots in Avon! Thank you.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />